31/8/2024 0 Comments Standing on two feet..It is the little things... that you do every day or at least a few times a week, that dictate the outcome. Where you are right now is a result of all that has gone before. This post is both intended as an update as well as to serve as inspiration for anyone striving to achieve some goal.
Having had total hip replacement surgery on 20th August 2024 and it being 31st August 2024 today, this marks day 11 post-op and here is my update. It hasn't been plain sailing.. the pain, the swelling, the hospital stay. I can go on, but you know what I mean. It has been a challenge in a lot of ways. I am very grateful for all of the emotional and practical support offered and provided by everyone. If you haven't been to visit and want to, then please do message me. I can't drive for another 6 weeks, so visits and short outings are very welcome right now! On the inspirational side: I am constantly finding myself in a room without one of my crutches.. thinking how did I get here without one and do I need one! Turns out I do, to get back, but obviously I didn't need it to get there! A good problem to have. I did my physio exercises religiously until day 6, when I was in so much pain, I decided to give myself a break for a day.. which it turns out was the correct decision, as I have rested (thanks Downtown Abbey, I have now watched ALL of the episodes) and come back able to get to the end of the page of physio exercises. Now what? I guess I either use YouTube or a I call the 0800 number given to me by the physios at the hospital. I will probably do both. I can feel that my hip is stronger and more stable than the previous one (RIP) and despite the effects of having had to go through the surgery, I am very positive about the outcome. There are a few worries about ROM (range of movement) and ability to do Yoga again, but I trust that the hip I have been given will serve me well in my pursuit of physicality (whatever that looks like) as I age. To everyone who is struggling with one thing or another, I would say, above all aim for consistency, positivity and keep putting one foot in front of another!
19/8/2024 0 Comments Bring on the challengeWednesday of last week, I got the call. Hip replacement surgery will happen tomorrow. I'm 51. I have had issues for 3 years, which has gradually decreased my ability to teach classes, go for walks, sleep through the night without painkillers.
I am incredibly grateful for being given this early date and not being made to wait until I am completely immobile. Last Wednesday I was in a panic and REALLY scared, doubting myself and wondering if I should wait until it gets worse.. Today I feel READY. This is where I shine, with a challenge ahead and a goal in sight. My goals is to get back to doing all the things I love without pain. Just the small matter of some surgery and a few months of rehab (which I intend to be disciplined about). I have lots of plans I have been putting on the back-burner to keep me busy during this time, so look out for updates on my recovery and the Wellbeing Talks I can finally start working on! Messages, visits and chats welcome. 15/5/2024 0 Comments Finding new ways forwards..As a fitness instructor, my partcipants got used to me saying certain things. 'Keep on trying new things' is one of them. This is one of the ways I live my life. I guess life is like a maze and when you hit a wall, you have to turn around and retrace your steps a bit and then see if there is another way.
I am so grateful for my years of teaching in gyms and I just want to reassure you that I am NOT GONE, just finding new ways forwards that my body can cope with. One of those ways is doing my own practise in my home studio every day, as well as starting to plan some in-person one to ones and online classes in my home studio, Haven. I am also still teaching my weekly class at the Letchworth Settlement and will be keeping my Wednesday 1:30 slot there into the autumn. While working out what is best for me, I have also started to try another way of planning my classes, by drawing stick figures. What fun! Learning something new is one of my favourite things, and having a bit of headspace with regards to planning has given me the time and energy to do this. As with anything new, you have to be prepared to be a beginner, for it to feel awkward and for it to take more time that the old way of doing things. I have shared a part of my first stick man plan and you can laugh at my horrendous drawings! Speaking of drawing, did you know that I model for life-drawing classes? I will be with Matt Burdon at the Hollwell Hall tonight and am looking forward to seeing the beautiful drawings that these artists create. Just in case you didn't know, I also do dog sitting, cat sitting and dog walking. I have my core clients, who share updates with me about their animals that I get to know and enjoy spending time with. When I turned 50, I made a promise to myself that I would only do work that made me happy and this has turned out to be much easier than I thought. I used to think I had to stick to one thing, but it turns out that having many interests that make me happy that I can turn into 'work' which pays is a wonderful way to live my life. Please do get in touch if you are interested in: I will leave you with some life wisdom: 'Keep on trying new things', and also: 'Try and raise your hands above your head at least once a day'. :-) 22/4/2024 0 Comments Difficult Decisions..As many of you know, I have been having some issues with hip pain. This has been ongoing for a number of years and I have been managing it well, whilst teaching around 15 classes per week. I have modified the classes I teach to manage my back and hip conditions and had a really good run with it. It has been so much fun!
Unfortunately my hip has started causing a lot more issues. I have seen a consultant and been told that my hip is "worn out". This is the beginning of a process with the NHS of dealing with this, which I suspect will take much time and energy with following up for appointments, attending appointments and generally trying to keep my health and fitness at a level that I am happy with. I have had to make the really tough decision to give up my permanent classes at Archers in Hitchin and Bannatynes in Fairfield. I have asked to remain on the cover list for these gyms and on days that I am not having too much pain, I will be able to cover. I will be keeping my Gentle Yoga class at the Letchworth Settlement on a Wednesday at 1:30pm and continuing with my monthly FINDYOURYOGA workshop. I will also continue with the Indian Head Massage and be available to hire as a Personal Trainer. Work is underway at my home to convert my spare room into a Yoga Studio/Gym/Massage Room, which will minimise the driving I need to do, as driving is causing me much discomfort at the moment. I will be putting a mailing list together to keep you updated with the classes I will be teaching, and my availability for PT/Massage/Yoga on a one to one basis or in small classes. I have learned so much from teaching the classes in gyms over the last 3 years and really enjoyed seeing you all get stronger and more flexible. I have loved getting to know you all and being welcomed into your lives via the classes I have taught. It has been one amazing ride! As I said, I will still be teaching, just doing less of it and potentially doing some of my own private classes. Please do stay in touch, as I do feel that I am a part of a community at both of the gyms I have been teaching at, and that feeling is priceless! Please do send me a message, if you would like to be added to my mailing list. 28/1/2024 0 Comments Lumbar SpondylosisThis week has been a really tough one, it ended with the much-awaited visit to the GP to get the results of the MRI I had in October to look at my lower back after the horrendous pain I had in August last year.
It turns out at the age of 51, I have Lumbar Spondylosis. Which in English, means a degeneration of the discs in the lower back. I also have a bulging disc. This condition is common and a lot of people have it, most people don't have any symptoms. It can be managed, but not cured. The irony of this is that all of the information I was given by the GP on Friday about managing the condition/pain is what I have figured out by myself over the last year or so. Management includes, not loading the back heavily (I use machines to lift heavy to keep my legs strong). Taking breaks if you are in pain (I don't take on cover classes, if it means I won't get my rest days between teaching). Heat and cold (saunas, hot water bottles). Keep moving (gentle yoga and walks on rest days). Side sleepers advised to try and sleep on their back and if side sleeping to sleep with a pillow between your knees. Severe pain: anti-inflammatories to be used. I was given a sheet of exercises to do and I do these already as they relieve the symptoms. A strong core and also doing regular lower back stretches before and after working out are also on the list. I consider myself very fortunate to have a job that ensures that I keep moving, but am very sad to say that I think I will not return to teaching Les Mills BodyPump (the classes were fun while I was doing them) and will continue with my Senior Strength classes and my yoga and BodyBalance. I might try and get a core class somewhere too, as keeping a strong core is the key to managing lower back pain, those old bones of mine will benefit from the extra support. 21/1/2024 0 Comments Confessions of a Yoga Evangelist.Building the Yoga practice that suits you.
I have been pinching myself for the last 2 months. Am I ACTUALLY a Yoga Teacher? Am I actually teaching Yoga. FINALLY. I have had some major realisations during this time. Mainly that I have been a Yoga teacher for a good few years already. Since I first watched myself doing Yoga during lockdown on video and then started correcting how I moved and then started giving my online clients tips with their hamstring stretches and then started teaching stretch classes, and then went for an audition (with real humans) to teach a stretch class, which turned into a job in the fitness industry and then and then and then. Teaching Stretch classes for two years, twice a week, turned into teaching Les Mills Bodybalance and I was a little frustrated, as all of this seemed to be interfering with the overarching goal to get that Yoga Teacher qualification, but.. It turns out it was all a part of the process of becoming a Yoga Teacher. As was the course and attainment of the piece of paper that allowed me to be insured and call it “Yoga” Now that I have that bit of paper and am insured, it has opened quite a few doors and hence why I am pinching myself. I am enjoying teaching yoga, embodying the Yoga Evangelist role that I have been living with for the past I don’t know how many years since I discovered yoga as a means to and end of being more flexible when I was a novice skydiver with a skinny and inflexible body. I feel incredibly humbled and grateful that I have a lovely community of people around me who enjoy my classes and give me lots of positive feedback on my teaching, approach and development. They also feel so confident in my ability that they want to share it with other people, recommending me to others (such gratitude for this). In my travels around various gyms and places I teach, I tailor the classes to the abilities of the people, classes full of up to 20 people at a time, aiming to challenge that one person who can do it all and also include that one person who struggles with the basics and everything inbetween. I know all of our bodies are different and of course, then we also have to deal with the noisy minds that we have, that berate us when we don’t look or move like someone else. Now that I have that piece of paper and the insurance and the experience I have, I want to start to teach a style of yoga that truly resonates with me and that can challenge people. I also understand that it may not be for everybody, so I will of course, continue to teach my classes, including everyone who comes along. My wish is to create a community around a vinyasa style practise. It will be a strong practice, with some ashtanga influence, but with elements of yin to encompass the stretches and the focus of letting go towards the end of the practise. So a warm-up, movement, breathing, then some strong vinyasa, moving to floor-based postures and relaxation. My vision is to do a monthly workshop, where a different sequence is used each time, we spend some time breaking the moves down, people getting individual attention where needed, questions are asked, modifications are offered and then a break for tea and fruit and then we put the sequence together in a formal flow. I plan to record the flow, upload it to YouTube so that it can be practiced between monthly workshops. I am currently on the hunt for a venue to do this at and am also interested to hear from anyone who wants to know more about this and is interested to know more. I strongly believe that as a Yoga Teacher, it is important to find the style of Yoga that resonates with you. I believe this is important as a yoga practitioner too, and hope to share my vision and my wish with others on this journey. here to edit. 2/11/2023 0 Comments Recovery time coming upHi to all my lovely class participants. I will be having a medical procedure at the end of November 2023, which will require AT LEAST 2 weeks recovery time, so will not be teaching classes during this time.
3/3/2023 0 Comments Ashtanga Yoga!
Having finished my PT course last year, just after my 50th birthday, the plan was always to go onto Yoga Teacher Training. Heading out to a lovely local vegan cafe for lunch with a friend, I found a leaflet for a YTT course, spoke with the trainer, went to one of his yoga classes and signed up. Now into month 2 and doing homework, learning about yoga beyond the poses (asanas) and also starting to build up my yoga strength, by learning the Ashtanga Yoga sequences. I won't necessarily be teaching this type of yoga, but will have options of which type of yoga I want to teach by the end. The course lasts until October this year. Video of me practising Ashtanga Yoga in the video below.
25/9/2022 0 Comments Change in the seasonsSo much change is happening around us right now, the rains finally came and now the cool mornings with the long rays of the sun are making getting out and exploring the fields surrounding my new home really fun. I am making sure I take time to do my 5,000 steps per day, which I am finding is helping with rehab of my hips and knees while I wait for that elusive physio appointment and MRI. Adapting and making the best of any situation is a very good skill!
In the meantime, a lot has been happening here at Positive Energy Lifestyle. I have signed up to amazon affiliates and will be recommending products from Amazon from time to time. Although this means that Amazon will pay me for products that are sold through my links, rest assured that I will only recommend products that I personally use and believe are good! I have also finished all my coursework for my Level 3, PT course and am now revising for the Nutrition and Anatomy & Physiology exams in mid-October. I have also signed up for a foam rolling course, as well as a kettlebell course, so a lot of exciting things are happening here. Having launched the latest BodyBalance (release 97) with my lovely colleagues, I am looking forward to the journey of growing into this release and exploring the 'Strength' side of the release on Tuesday evenings at 6pm at Bannatynes in Fairfield. I can also be found at Archers in Hitchin on a Monday morning, doing the BodyPump Technique session, followed by BodyBalance. I have also started putting some recipes together, take a look at them and let me know what you think! Make sure you stay warm and if you are going to exercise, take time for a thorough warm up and cool down to ensure your joints get well lubricated and your muscles can warm up before working hard! I have put an overview together for anyone who is thinking of starting back with training and please do get in touch if you have any questions about your training. 29/8/2022 0 Comments Never stop learning..If you want to get good at something, practise, practise, practise. I have also learned to have a thick skin! Teaching fitness is a very personal thing. People come to classes or to train and are often feeling very vulnerable due to percieved body issues, mental health issues or perhaps because they are having to wear gym clothing.
Being the best instructor I can be doesn't only mean delivering classes safely and accurately (when it comes to classes that are choreograped by others), but it also means being sensitive to what people have going on that may affect how they enjoy and benefit from the class. I truly believe that yoga is a life-saver, it gets our bodies moving, gets us in touch with our breath and builds strength and resilience. Never stop learning, trying something new and working out what is right for you. |
AuthorExercise saved me from injury and ill health. Having battled my way through anxiety and depression and various sports injuries, I am now happily working in the Fitness Industry, finding my way by first teaching classes, and doing lots of study. I am like a sponge! Always learning, so I plan to share updates here of the discoveries I make along the way. Archives
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