31/8/2024 0 Comments Standing on two feet..It is the little things... that you do every day or at least a few times a week, that dictate the outcome. Where you are right now is a result of all that has gone before. This post is both intended as an update as well as to serve as inspiration for anyone striving to achieve some goal.
Having had total hip replacement surgery on 20th August 2024 and it being 31st August 2024 today, this marks day 11 post-op and here is my update. It hasn't been plain sailing.. the pain, the swelling, the hospital stay. I can go on, but you know what I mean. It has been a challenge in a lot of ways. I am very grateful for all of the emotional and practical support offered and provided by everyone. If you haven't been to visit and want to, then please do message me. I can't drive for another 6 weeks, so visits and short outings are very welcome right now! On the inspirational side: I am constantly finding myself in a room without one of my crutches.. thinking how did I get here without one and do I need one! Turns out I do, to get back, but obviously I didn't need it to get there! A good problem to have. I did my physio exercises religiously until day 6, when I was in so much pain, I decided to give myself a break for a day.. which it turns out was the correct decision, as I have rested (thanks Downtown Abbey, I have now watched ALL of the episodes) and come back able to get to the end of the page of physio exercises. Now what? I guess I either use YouTube or a I call the 0800 number given to me by the physios at the hospital. I will probably do both. I can feel that my hip is stronger and more stable than the previous one (RIP) and despite the effects of having had to go through the surgery, I am very positive about the outcome. There are a few worries about ROM (range of movement) and ability to do Yoga again, but I trust that the hip I have been given will serve me well in my pursuit of physicality (whatever that looks like) as I age. To everyone who is struggling with one thing or another, I would say, above all aim for consistency, positivity and keep putting one foot in front of another!
19/8/2024 0 Comments Bring on the challengeWednesday of last week, I got the call. Hip replacement surgery will happen tomorrow. I'm 51. I have had issues for 3 years, which has gradually decreased my ability to teach classes, go for walks, sleep through the night without painkillers.
I am incredibly grateful for being given this early date and not being made to wait until I am completely immobile. Last Wednesday I was in a panic and REALLY scared, doubting myself and wondering if I should wait until it gets worse.. Today I feel READY. This is where I shine, with a challenge ahead and a goal in sight. My goals is to get back to doing all the things I love without pain. Just the small matter of some surgery and a few months of rehab (which I intend to be disciplined about). I have lots of plans I have been putting on the back-burner to keep me busy during this time, so look out for updates on my recovery and the Wellbeing Talks I can finally start working on! Messages, visits and chats welcome. |
AuthorExercise saved me from injury and ill health. Having battled my way through anxiety and depression and various sports injuries, I am now happily working in the Fitness Industry, finding my way by first teaching classes, and doing lots of study. I am like a sponge! Always learning, so I plan to share updates here of the discoveries I make along the way. Archives
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